IMPORTANT NOTICE If you do not CORRECTLY enter your Driver's License Number (aka Customer Number), your completion information will NOT be posted to your driving record. Therefore, if you are DMV directed, your driver improvement clinic requirement will NOT be satisfied. If you lost your license or had your license confiscated and do not know your Virginia Customer Number/Driver's License Number, check your DMV letter, traffic citation, or court order for the number. If you currently have a Virginia ID card, it is the same number as your license. FYI - your Virginia license number consists of 1 alpha character followed by 8 numerical characters - example: T12345678 or A87654321. If you still do not know your Virginia customer number/driver's license number, you can use your Social Security Number (SS#) ONLY if:
If you are a non-Virginia license holder (i.e. Out-of-State, International, or Diplomatic) and you have never been licensed in Virginia or never had a car registered in Virginia, you will have to enter the number that appears in the lower left-hand corner of your DMV letter. If you do not have the DMV letter, you must enter their non-Virginia license number. You may be required to present your completion certificate to the DMV to receive credit for the course. Please call our offices with any questions or concerns regarding registration. |